heman PSA


Thursday, November 02, 2006

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It’s important to remember who is in charge here in Korea, it's not the government it's the man.
Companies here are god like Samsung runs everything kia makes cars apartment buildings and everything in between .this is an important thing to remember when you’re a hot to trot waygook with the world at your fingers ,a lesson Avalon teachers will now always remember .recently the cable/internet company server up a heaping helping of humility to you esteemed teacher troy as well as many other teachers ,now it is hard to find a teacher with the internet and we are all pissed but there is nothing we can do ,to be truthful it not really our fault Avalon has allowed us to take over existing accounts from other teacher that don’t live here any more. Consequently we would take over problems like paying strange bills and double payments. I was lucky the only problem I had was the bill wasn’t in my name so some times they wouldn’t let me pay. But by this time the company has had enough .so we all got shut off! Sweet now we are fighting a loosing battle to get turned back on. Well we will see.

1 comment:

karmaking1111 said...

Never surrender!