heman PSA


Thursday, May 25, 2006


I got some sad news I have been researching Korea for some time ,one of my major inspirations for this trip was a man named SHAWNN MATTHEWS although he moved on to china from Korea his Korea life bog was funny extremely insightful and informative here is the link http://korealife.blogspot.com/ he had started a new blog china life which last week he had suddenly stopped ,this worried me and I shot him and email expressing my admiration and concern I have exchanged a few emails with him so I thought this would be a good Farwell. So after not hearing from him I figured he was off living life and having a great time. Yesterday I got some shocking news Shawn had passed on. I didn’t know him that well but I felt that I knew him for years , I followed his life in his blog for the last six years from the trails of teaching assistants through girlfriends and x-girlfriends his move to china his love of his of his job the kids and exploring. Shawn I didn’t know you, but we were brothers and you will be missed

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Count down to Korea

After waiting for what seems like forever to get my computer fixed (dont buy computers from best buy they dont honor their warranties) it took me a surprisingly short time to get a job I put 7 application to schools 2 applications to recruiters and I have had more replies than I could handle which made it easy to pick and choose . It is may 16 today and in less than one month I will be in Korea which will start off the first leg of my tour in Asia and will last at least 5 years. I hope Korea to for at least 3 year then move to Japan and try Japan out for a couple of years then off to china for a year then go to eastern Europe for a couple of years and down to South America then back to the states. Sound great but we will see I will probably run home after 1 year.