heman PSA


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Count down to Korea

After waiting for what seems like forever to get my computer fixed (dont buy computers from best buy they dont honor their warranties) it took me a surprisingly short time to get a job I put 7 application to schools 2 applications to recruiters and I have had more replies than I could handle which made it easy to pick and choose . It is may 16 today and in less than one month I will be in Korea which will start off the first leg of my tour in Asia and will last at least 5 years. I hope Korea to for at least 3 year then move to Japan and try Japan out for a couple of years then off to china for a year then go to eastern Europe for a couple of years and down to South America then back to the states. Sound great but we will see I will probably run home after 1 year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


How is it going?

Found your site through the one about Shawn Matthews...not sure if I can help you...but you seem to want to do what I have been doing for the past 13 years...I have lived in Korea, Japan and China and am currently in Seoul teaching and going to graduate school...if you have any questions or need any help, maybe I can help you. I exchanged emails with Shawn a few times and am good friends with two of his friends here in korea...anyhow, just felt compelled to send you a message. take it easy,
LanceInSeoul taebaek007@hotmail.com